Recent papers

Nima Roshandel, Constantin Scholz, Hoang-Long Cao, Milan Amighi, Hamed Firouzipouyaei, Aleksander Burkiewicz, Sébastien Menet, Felipe Ballen-Moreno, Dylan Warawout Sisavath, Emil Imrith, Antonio Paolillo, Jan Genoe, and Bram Vanderborght. mmPrivPose3D: A dataset for pose estimation and gesture command recognition in human-robot collaboration using Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave 60GHz RaDAR. Data in Brief, vol. 111316, January 2025. [PDF], [DOI].

Constantin Scholz, Hoang-Long Cao, Emil Imrith, Nima Roshandel, Hamed Firouzipouyaei, Aleksander Burkiewicz, Milan Amighi, Sébastien Menet, Dylan Warawout Sisavath, Antonio Paolillo, Xavier Rottenberg, Peter Gerets, David Cheyns, Marcus Dahlem, Ilja Ocket, Jan Genoe, Kathleen Philips, Ben Stoffelen, Jeroen van den Bosch, Steven Latre, and Bram Vanderborght. Sensor-Enabled Safety Systems for Human-Robot Collaboration: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 65-88, January 2025. [PDF], [DOI].

Simon Picard, Antonio Paolillo, Gilles Geeraerts, Joël Goossens. Exact schedulability test for sporadic mixed-criticality real-time systems using antichains and oracles. The 32nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Porto, Portugal, November 2024. [DOI], [ACM digital library], [PDF], [YouTube video], [Slide set].

Wannes Dewit, Antonio Paolillo, Joël Goossens. A Preliminary Assessment of the real-time capabilities of Real-Time Linux on Raspberry Pi 5. ECRTS, OSPERT, Lille, France, July 2024. [PDF], [Slide set].

Ph.D. thesis dissertation

Antonio Paolillo. Optimisation of Performance Metrics of Embedded Hard Real-Time Systems using Software/Hardware Parallelism. October 2018. [Text and cover, PDFs on the university's archives], [Slides, public defence] [YouTube video, public defense]

Book chapter

Tobias Kalb, Lester Kalms, Diana Göhringer, Carlota Pons, Ananya Muddukrishna, Magnus Jahre, Boitumelo Ruf, Tobias Schuchert, Igor Tchouchenkov, Carl Ehrenstråhle, Magnus Peterson, Flemming Christensen, Antonio Paolillo, Ben Rodriguez and Philippe Millet Developing Low-Power Image Processing Applications with the TULIPP Reference Platform Instance In: Hardware Accelerators in Data Centers. Ed. by Christoforos Kachris, Babak Falsafi and Dimitrios Soudris. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 181–197. ISBN: 978-3-319-92792-3. [Springer Link], [PDF]

Journal publication

Nima Roshandel, Constantin Scholz, Hoang-Long Cao, Milan Amighi, Hamed Firouzipouyaei, Aleksander Burkiewicz, Sébastien Menet, Felipe Ballen-Moreno, Dylan Warawout Sisavath, Emil Imrith, Antonio Paolillo, Jan Genoe, and Bram Vanderborght. mmPrivPose3D: A dataset for pose estimation and gesture command recognition in human-robot collaboration using Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave 60GHz RaDAR. Data in Brief, vol. 111316, January 2025. [PDF], [DOI].

Constantin Scholz, Hoang-Long Cao, Emil Imrith, Nima Roshandel, Hamed Firouzipouyaei, Aleksander Burkiewicz, Milan Amighi, Sébastien Menet, Dylan Warawout Sisavath, Antonio Paolillo, Xavier Rottenberg, Peter Gerets, David Cheyns, Marcus Dahlem, Ilja Ocket, Jan Genoe, Kathleen Philips, Ben Stoffelen, Jeroen van den Bosch, Steven Latre, and Bram Vanderborght. Sensor-Enabled Safety Systems for Human-Robot Collaboration: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 65-88, January 2025. [PDF], [DOI].

Conference publications

Simon Picard, Antonio Paolillo, Gilles Geeraerts, Joël Goossens. Exact schedulability test for sporadic mixed-criticality real-time systems using antichains and oracles. The 32nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Porto, Portugal, November 2024. [DOI], [ACM digital library], [PDF], [YouTube video], [Slide set].

Rafael Chehab, Antonio Paolillo, Diogo Behrens, Ming Fu, Hermann Härtig and Haibo Chen. CLoF: A Compositional Lock Framework for Multi-level NUMA Systems. SOSP'2021, Virtual, October 2021. [ACM digital library], [PDF], [YouTube video], [Slide set], [PDF poster]

Jonas Oberhauser, Lilith Oberhauser, Antonio Paolillo, Diogo Behrens, Ming Fu and Viktor Vafeiadis. Verifying and Optimizing the HMCS Lock for Arm Servers. NETYS'2021, Virtual, May 2021. [DOI], [PDF], [YouTube video]

Jonas Oberhauser, Rafael Lourenco de Lima Chehab, Diogo Behrens, Ming Fu, Antonio Paolillo, Lilith Oberhauser, Koustubha Bhat, Yuzhong Wen, Haibo Chen, Jaeho Kim, Viktor Vafeiadis. VSync: Push-Button Verification and Optimization for Synchronization Primitives on Weak Memory Models. ASPLOS'2021, Virtual, April 2021. Distinguished paper award [DOI], [PDF]

Joël Goossens, Antonio Paolillo, Xavier Poczekajlo, Paul Rodriguez. ACCEPTOR: a model and a protocol for real-time multi-mode applications on reconfigurable heterogeneous platforms. The 27th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Toulouse, France, November 2019. [ACM digital library], [PDF], [Slide set]

Juan M Rivas, Joël Goossens, Xavier Poczekajlo and Antonio Paolillo. Implementation of Memory Centric Scheduling for COTS Multi-Core Real-Time Systems. The 31st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2019. [LIPICS digital library], [PDF], [Slide set]

Ahmad Sadek, Ananya Muddukrishna, Lester Kalms, Asbjørn Djupdal, Ariel Podlubne, Antonio Paolillo, Diana Goehringer and Magnus Jahre. Supporting Utilities for Heterogeneous Embedded Image Processing Systems (STHEM): An Overview. The 14th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Santorini, Greece, May 2018. [PDF]

Antonio Paolillo, Paul Rodriguez, Nikita Veshchikov, Joël Goossens and Ben Rodriguez. Quantifying Energy Consumption for Practical Fork-Join Parallelism on an Embedded Real-Time Operating System. The 24th ACM International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, Brest, France, October 2016. [ACM digital library], [PDF], [Slide set]

Tobias Kalb, Lester Kalms, Diana Göhringer, Ananya Muddukrishna, Magnus Jahre, Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, Carl Ehrenstråhle, Magnus Peterson, Antonio Paolillo, Christian Lemer, Ben Rodriguez, Carlota Pons, Fabien Marty, Boitumelo Ruf, Igor Tchouchenkov, Flemming Christensen, Guillaume Bernard, François Duhem, Philippe Millet TULIPP: Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms The 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XVI), Samos, Greece, July 2016. [IEEE Xplore], [PDF]

Antonio Paolillo, Joël Goossens, Pradeep M. Hettiarachchi and Nathan Fisher. Power Minimization for Parallel Real-Time Systems with Malleable Jobs and Homogeneous Frequencies. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Chongqing, China, August 2014. [IEEE Xplore], [PDF], [Slide set]


Mats Van Molle and Antonio Paolillo. benchkit makes benchmarking easy & trustworthy. DARE summer school, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2024. [PDF poster].

Wannes Dewit, Antonio Paolillo, Joël Goossens. A Preliminary Assessment of the real-time capabilities of Real-Time Linux on Raspberry Pi 5. ECRTS, OSPERT, Lille, France, July 2024. [PDF], [Slide set to appear]

Antonio Paolillo, Paul Rodriguez, Vladimir Svoboda, Olivier Desenfans, Joël Goossens, Ben Rodriguez, Sylvain Girbal, Madeleine Faugère, Philippe Bonnot. Porting a safety-critical industrial application on a mixed-criticality enabled real-time operating system. The 5th International Workshop on Mixed Criticality Systems at the Real Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2017). WMC 2017, Brussels, Belgium, 5th December 2017. [PDF], [Slide set]

Martin Cornil, Antonio Paolillo, Joël Goossens, Ben Rodriguez. Research and implementation challenges of RTOS support for heterogeneous computing platforms. HARTS-ULB, Brussels, Belgium, May 2017. [PDF], [Slide set]

Antonio Paolillo, Olivier Desenfans, Vladimir Svoboda, Joël Goossens, Ben Rodriguez. A New Configurable and Parallel Embedded Real-time Micro-Kernel for Multi-core platforms. ECRTS, OSPERT, Lund, Sweden, July 2015. [PDF], [Slide set]

Olivier Desenfans, Antonio Paolillo, Vladimir Svoboda, Ben Rodriguez, Joël Goossens, Dragomir Milojevic. Design and implementation of a multi-core embedded real-time operating system kernel. ACTRISS OPRTC-ULB, Brussels, Belgium, April 2014. [PDF], [Prezi],

Antonio Paolillo and François Santy. The design and implementation of a multicore real-time operating system as an experimental platform to benchmark and validate innovative research. NTASS, Aix-les-Bains, France, September 2013. [PDF description], [PDF poster],

Technical notes and reports

Antonio Paolillo, Hernán Ponce-de-León, Thomas Haas, Diogo Behrens, Rafael Chehab, Ming Fu, Roland Meyer. Verifying and Optimizing Compact NUMA-Aware Locks on Weak Memory Models. Technical note, July 2022. [arXiv],

Master's thesis

Antonio Paolillo. Multicriteria performance prediction applied to embedded system design. June 2011. [PDF, in French]